Biomechanics Activity Analysis: Drinking from my Water Bottle
You usually can’t catch me without my water bottle so I am choosing drinking out of my water bottle as part of my daily routine. Nowadays I am usually sitting at my kitchen counter or on my couch when I decide I want a sip of water so I reach forward to be able to grasp it and pull it towards me. To start my arms are usually adducted at my side with palms facing medially or resting on my lap. I begin by concentrically flexing my shoulder to move forward towards my bottle. My shoulder is in the sagittal plane with a frontal axis of rotation. If my arm has been bent with my hands sitting in my lap I also extend my elbow. Once I reach my bottle my MCP, PIP, and DIP joints in all five of my digits flex and grasp my bottle. Once it is in my grasp, I will then concentrically flex my elbow to bring my water bottle towards my mouth. At this point my elbow joint is in the sagittal plane with a frontal axis of rotation. The arthrokinematics of my elbow joint are that my ulna is concave and it is rolling and gliding as it moves against my convex humerus during elbow flexion. My biceps brachii is the prime mover in this flexing action with the brachialis being its synergist and my triceps being its antagonist. As this action continues, I finally reach my mouth, take a sip of water and then put my bottle down.
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